# Build vagrant baseboxes using packer ## Currently supported - Debian Jessie (8.2) - qemu (working) and virtualbox (WIP) ## Customization - puppet, facter are pre-installed ## Building locally This example builds only for the qemu provider. packer build -only=qemu jessie.json ### Issues #### not enough space in /tmp The vagrant post-processor uses `/tmp` as default temp dir, and needs ~10gb of diskspace, otherwise it will fail like this: Post-processor failed: write /tmp/packer845144867/box.img: no space left on device You can circumvent this problem exporting this variable before building: export PACKER_TMP=. BUT you need to build packer itself from source because this variable isn't read by the latest packer available as package (0.8.6). I only got latest packer HEAD compiled after a [dirty hack i documented here](https://github.com/mitchellh/packer/issues/3086). #### Atlas post-processors fail without Atlas API token You need to `remove both atlas post-processors` in the `jessie.json` file if you have not configured any Atlas API token.