package obfsvpn import ( "context" "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "net" "strconv" pt "" "" "" "" ) const ( ptArgNode = "node-id" ptArgKey = "public-key" ptArgMode = "iat-mode" ptArgCert = "cert" ) const ( certLength = ntor.NodeIDLength + ntor.PublicKeyLength ) var ( ErrCannotDial = errors.New("cannot dial") ) // IATMode determines the amount of time sent between packets. type IATMode int // Valid IAT modes. const ( IATNone IATMode = iota IATEnabled IATParanoid ) // Dialer contains options for connecting to an address and obfuscating traffic // with the obfs4 protocol. // It performs the ntor handshake on all dialed connections. type Dialer struct { Dialer net.Dialer NodeID *ntor.NodeID PublicKey *ntor.PublicKey IATMode IATMode DialFunc func(string, string) (net.Conn, error) ptArgs pt.Args clientFactory base.ClientFactory } func packCert(node *ntor.NodeID, public *ntor.PublicKey) string { cert := make([]byte, 0, certLength) cert = append(cert, node[:]...) cert = append(cert, public[:]...) return base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(cert) } func unpackCert(cert string) (*ntor.NodeID, *ntor.PublicKey, error) { if l := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(cert)); l != certLength { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cert length %d is invalid", l) } decoded, err := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(cert) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } nodeID, err := ntor.NewNodeID(decoded[:ntor.NodeIDLength]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } pubKey, err := ntor.NewPublicKey(decoded[ntor.NodeIDLength:]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return nodeID, pubKey, nil } // NewDialerFromCert creates a dialer from a node certificate. func NewDialerFromCert(cert string) (*Dialer, error) { nodeID, publicKey, err := unpackCert(cert) if err != nil { return nil, err } d := &Dialer{ NodeID: nodeID, PublicKey: publicKey, } return d, nil } // NewDialerFromArgs creates a dialer from existing pluggable transport arguments. func NewDialerFromArgs(args pt.Args) (*Dialer, error) { clientFactory, err := (&obfs4.Transport{}).ClientFactory("") if err != nil { return nil, err } nodeHex, _ := args.Get(ptArgNode) node, err := ntor.NodeIDFromHex(nodeHex) if err != nil { return nil, err } keyHex, _ := args.Get(ptArgKey) pub, err := ntor.PublicKeyFromHex(keyHex) if err != nil { return nil, err } iatModeStr, _ := args.Get(ptArgMode) iatMode, err := strconv.Atoi(iatModeStr) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing IAT mode to integer: %w", err) } return &Dialer{ NodeID: node, PublicKey: pub, IATMode: IATMode(iatMode), ptArgs: args, clientFactory: clientFactory, }, nil } /* what is this for? ---- // Wrap performs the ntor handshake over an existing conection. // Wrap ignores the underlying Dialer config. func (d *Dialer) Wrap(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn) (net.Conn, error) { return d.dial(ctx, "", "", func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { return conn, nil }) } */ // Dial creates an outbound net.Conn and performs the ntor handshake. func (d *Dialer) Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { ctx := context.Background() return d.dial(ctx, network, address, func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { conn, err := d.Dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, address) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrCannotDial, err) } return conn.(*net.TCPConn), err }) } // DialContext creates an outbound net.Conn and performs the ntor handshake. func (d *Dialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { return d.dial(ctx, network, address, func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { return d.Dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, address) }) } func (d *Dialer) dial(ctx context.Context, network, address string, f func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error)) (net.Conn, error) { if d.clientFactory == nil { clientFactory, err := (&obfs4.Transport{}).ClientFactory("") if err != nil { return nil, err } d.clientFactory = clientFactory } ptArgs := d.Args() args, err := d.clientFactory.ParseArgs(&ptArgs) if err != nil { return nil, err } if d.DialFunc != nil { f = d.DialFunc } return d.clientFactory.Dial(network, address, f, args) } // Args returns the dialers options as pluggable transport arguments. // The args include valid args for the "new" (version >= 0.0.3) bridge lines // that use a unified "cert" argument as well as the legacy lines that use a // separate Node ID and Public Key. func (d *Dialer) Args() pt.Args { if d.ptArgs == nil { d.ptArgs = make(pt.Args) d.ptArgs.Add(ptArgNode, d.NodeID.Hex()) d.ptArgs.Add(ptArgKey, d.PublicKey.Hex()) d.ptArgs.Add(ptArgMode, strconv.Itoa(int(d.IATMode))) d.ptArgs.Add(ptArgCert, packCert(d.NodeID, d.PublicKey)) } return d.ptArgs }