require File.expand_path('test_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) class ServerTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase # # this test works because http requests to localhost are not stubbed, but requests to other domains are. # def test_server uid = '' key_id = 'E818C478D3141282F7590D29D041EB11B1647490' stub_vindex_response(uid, :body => file_content(:leap_vindex_result)) stub_get_response(key_id, :body => file_content(:leap_public_key)) do Nickserver::Server.start params = {:query => {}, :path => "key/#{CGI.escape(uid)}"} http ="http://localhost:#{Nickserver::Config.port}").get(params) http.callback { assert_equal file_content(:leap_public_key), http.response EM.stop return }.errback { flunk http.error EM.stop } end flunk 'should not get here' end end