$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'webmock/minitest' require 'nickserver' require 'minitest/pride' TESTING = true class Minitest::Test # Add global extensions to the test case class here def setup Nickserver::Config.load # by default, mock all non-localhost network connections WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true) end def file_content(filename) (@file_contents ||= {})[filename] ||= File.read(file_path(filename)) end def file_path(filename) "%s/files/%s" % [File.dirname(__FILE__), filename] end def real_network if ENV['REAL_NET'] == 'true' WebMock.allow_net_connect! yield WebMock.disable_net_connect! end end def stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, opts = {}) options = {status: 200, body: ""}.merge(opts) stub_http_request(:get, Nickserver::Config.hkp_url).with( query: {op: 'vindex', search: uid, exact: 'on', options: 'mr', fingerprint: 'on'} ).to_return(options) end def stub_sks_get_reponse(key_id, opts = {}) options = {status: 200, body: ""}.merge(opts) stub_http_request(:get, Nickserver::Config.hkp_url).with( query: {op: 'get', search: "0x"+key_id, exact: 'on', options: 'mr'} ).to_return(options) end def stub_couch_response(uid, opts = {}) # can't stub localhost, so set couch_host to anything else Nickserver::Config.stub :couch_host, 'notlocalhost' do options = {status: 200, body: ""}.merge(opts) query = "\?key=#{"%22#{uid}%22"}&reduce=false" stub_http_request(:get, /#{Regexp.escape(Nickserver::Couch::FetchKey.couch_url)}.*#{query}/).to_return(options) yield end end # # temporarily stubs the config property for the duration of the given block # def stub_config(property, value, &block) Nickserver::Config.stub(property, value, &block) end end