require 'test_helper' require 'nickserver/hkp/source' require 'nickserver/adapters/celluloid_http' class HkpTest < Minitest::Test def test_key_info_expired fetch_key_info(:hkp_vindex_result, '') do |keys| assert_equal 1, keys.length, 'should find a single key' assert_equal ['', ''].sort, keys.first.uids.sort, 'should find both uids' assert_equal '0EE5BE979282D80B9F7540F1CCD2ED94D21739E9', keys.first.keyid end end def test_key_info_multiple_valid_results fetch_key_info :hkp_vindex_result, '' do |keys| assert_equal 2, keys.length, 'should find two keys' assert_equal [''], keys.first.uids assert_equal '3790027A', keys.first.keyid assert keys.last.uids.include? '' end end def test_key_info_reject_keysize fetch_key_info :hkp_vindex_result, '' do |keys| assert_equal 1, keys.length, 'should find one key' # because short key gets ignored assert_equal '00440025', keys.first.keyid end end def test_key_info_not_found uid = '' stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, status: 404) assert_response_status_for_uid uid, 404 end def test_no_matching_key_found uid = '' stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, status: 200) assert_response_status_for_uid uid, 404 end def test_fetch_key uid = '' key_id = 'E818C478D3141282F7590D29D041EB11B1647490' stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, body: file_content(:leap_vindex_result)) stub_sks_get_reponse(key_id, body: file_content(:leap_public_key)) assert_response_for_uid(uid) do |response| content = JSON.parse response.content assert_equal file_content(:leap_public_key), content['openpgp'] end end def test_fetch_key_not_found uid = '' key_id = 'E818C478D3141282F7590D29D041EB11B1647490' stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, body: file_content(:leap_vindex_result)) stub_sks_get_reponse(key_id, status: 404) assert_response_status_for_uid uid, 404 end def test_fetch_key_too_short uid = '' stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, body: file_content(:short_key_vindex_result)) assert_response_status_for_uid uid, 500 end # # real network tests # remember: must be run with REAL_NET=true # def test_key_info_real_network real_network do uid = '' assert_key_info_for_uid uid do |keys| assert_equal 1, keys.size assert keys.first.keyid =~ /00440025$/ end end end def test_tls_validation_with_real_network hkp_url = '' ca_file = file_path('mayfirst-ca.pem') real_network do config.stub(:hkp_url, hkp_url) do config.stub(:hkp_ca_file, ca_file) do #config.stub(:hkp_ca_file, file_path('autistici-ca.pem')) do assert File.exist?(Nickserver::Config.hkp_ca_file) uid = '' assert_key_info_for_uid uid do |keys| assert_equal 1, keys.size assert keys.first.keyid =~ /00440025$/ end end end end end protected def assert_response_status_for_uid(uid, status) assert_response_for_uid(uid) do |response| assert_equal status, response.status end end def assert_response_for_uid(uid, &block) uid do |response| yield response end end def assert_key_info_for_uid(uid, &block) uid do |status, keys| assert_equal 200, status yield keys end end def adapter end def fetch_key_info(body_source, uid, &block) stub_sks_vindex_reponse(uid, body: file_content(body_source)) assert_key_info_for_uid(uid, &block) end end