require 'em-http' # # used to fetch an array of KeyInfo objects that match the given uid. # module Nickserver; module HKP class FetchKeyInfo include EM::Deferrable # for this regexp to work, the source text must end in a trailing "\n", # which the output of sks does. MATCH_PUB_KEY = /(^pub:.+?\n(^uid:.+?\n)+)/m def search(uid) # in practice, exact=on seems to have no effect params = {:op => 'vindex', :search => uid, :exact => 'on', :options => 'mr', :fingerprint => 'on'} => params).callback {|http| if http.response_header.status != 200 http.response_header.status else self.succeed parse(uid, http.response) end }.errback {|http| http.error } self end # # input: # uid -- uid to search for # vindex_result -- raw output from a vindex hkp query (machine readable) # # returns: # an array of eligible keys (as HKPKeyInfo objects) matching uid. # # keys are eliminated from eligibility for a number of reasons, including expiration, # revocation, uid match, key length, and so on... # def parse(uid, vindex_result) keys = [] now = vindex_result.scan(MATCH_PUB_KEY).each do |match| key_info =[0]) if key_info.uids.include?(uid) if key_info.keylen <= 1024 #puts 'key length is too short' elsif key_info.expired? #puts 'ignoring expired key' elsif key_info.revoked? #puts 'ignoring revoked key' elsif key_info.disabled? #puts 'ignoring disabled key' elsif key_info.expirationdate && key_info.expirationdate < now #puts 'ignoring expired key' else keys << key_info end end end keys end end end; end