require 'etc' require 'fileutils' # # A simple daemon, in a Debian style. Adapted from gem Dante. # module Nickserver class Daemon def, &block), &block) end def run(name, &block) @name = name parse_options Config.load send("command_#{@command}", &block) end private MAX_WAIT = 2 # # PERMISSIONS # # # see # (hint: it is easy to get it wrong) # def drop_permissions_to(username) if username != 'root' if Process::Sys.getuid == 0 Process::Sys.setuid(Etc.getpwnam(username).uid) if root? bail "failed to drop permissions" end else bail "cannot change process uid to #{username}" end end end def root? begin Process::Sys.setuid(0) rescue Errno::EPERM false else true end end # # PROCESS STUFF # def daemonize return bail("Process is already started") if daemon_running? pid = fork do exit if fork Process.setsid exit if fork create_pid_file(Config.pid_file, Config.user) catch_signals redirect_output drop_permissions_to(Config.user) if Config.user File.umask 0000 yield end end def create_pid_file(file, user) file, 'w' do |f| f.write("#{}\n") end FileUtils.chown(user, nil, file) if Process::Sys.getuid == 0 rescue Errno::EACCES bail "insufficient permission to create to pid file `#{file}`" rescue Errno::ENOENT bail "bad path for pid file `#{file}`" rescue Errno::EROFS bail "can't create pid file `#{file}` on read-only filesystem" end def daemon_running? return false unless File.exist?(Config.pid_file) Process.kill 0, true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end def pid_from_file(file) pid = if pid != "" pid.to_i else nil end end def kill_pid file = Config.pid_file if File.exists?(file) pid = pid_from_file(file) if pid Process.kill('TERM', pid) puts "Stopped #{@name} process #{pid}." else bail "Error reading pid file #{file}" end remove_pid_file else bail "could not find pid file #{file}" end rescue => e puts "Failed to stop: #{e}" end def remove_pid_file FileUtils.rm Config.pid_file rescue Errno::EACCES bail 'insufficient permission to remove pid file' end # # stop when we should # def catch_signals ["SIGTERM", "SIGINT", "SIGHUP"].each do |signal| Signal.trap(signal) { exit } end end # # OUTPUT # def usage(msg) puts msg puts puts "Usage: #{@name} [OPTION] COMMAND" puts "COMMAND is one of: start, stop, restart, status, version, foreground" puts "OPTION is one of: --verbose" puts exit 1 end def bail(msg) puts "#{@name.capitalize} ERROR: #{msg}." puts "Bailing out." exit(1) end # # Redirect output based on log settings (reopens stdout/stderr to specified logfile) # If log_path is nil, redirect to /dev/null to quiet output # def redirect_output if log_path = Config.log_file FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(log_path), :mode => 0755 FileUtils.touch log_path File.chmod(0600, log_path) if Config.user && Process::Sys.getuid == 0 FileUtils.chown(Config.user, nil, log_path) end $stdout.reopen(log_path, 'a') $stderr.reopen $stdout $stdout.sync = true else # redirect to /dev/null $stdin.reopen '/dev/null' $stdout.reopen '/dev/null', 'a' $stderr.reopen $stdout end rescue Errno::EACCES bail "no permission to create log file #{log_path}" end # # UTILITY # # # Runs until the block condition is met or the timeout_seconds is exceeded # until_true(10) { ...return_condition... } # def until_true(timeout_seconds=MAX_WAIT, &block) elapsed_seconds = 0 interval = 0.5 while elapsed_seconds < timeout_seconds && != true elapsed_seconds += interval sleep(interval) end elapsed_seconds < timeout_seconds end def parse_options loop do case ARGV[0] when 'start' then ARGV.shift; @command = :start when 'stop' then ARGV.shift; @command = :stop when 'restart' then ARGV.shift; @command = :restart when 'status' then ARGV.shift; @command = :status when 'version' then ARGV.shift; @command = :version when 'foreground' then ARGV.shift; @command = :foreground when '--verbose' then ARGV.shift; Config.verbose = true when /^-/ then override_default_config(ARGV.shift, ARGV.shift) else break end end usage("Missing command") unless @command end def override_default_config(flag, value) flag = flag.sub /^--/, '' if Config.respond_to?("#{flag}=") Config.send("#{flag}=", value) else usage("Unknown option: --#{flag}") end end # # COMMANDS # def command_version puts "nickserver #{Nickserver::VERSION}, ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" exit(0) end def command_start(&block) daemonize(&block) if until_true { daemon_running? } puts "#{@name.capitalize} started successfully." exit(0) else # Failed to start puts "#{@name.capitalize} couldn't be started." exit(1) end end def command_foreground(&block) trap("INT") do puts "\nShutting down..." exit(0) end yield exit(0) end def command_stop if daemon_running? kill_pid until_true { !daemon_running? } else puts "No #{@name} processes are running." end end def command_restart(&block) command_stop command_start(&block) end def command_status if daemon_running? puts "#{@name.capitalize} running, process id #{pid_from_file(Config.pid_file)}." exit(0) else puts "No #{@name} processes are running." exit(1) # must exit non-zero if not running end end end end