require 'em-http' require 'json' module Nickserver; module Couch class FetchKey include EM::Deferrable def initialize(options={}) @timeout = 5 end def get(uid) uid = uid.split('@').first # TEMPORARY HACK FOR NOW. in the future # the database should be able to be searchable by full address couch_request(uid) self end protected # # curl http://localhost:5984/users/_design/User/_view/pgp_key_by_handle?key=%22bla%22\&reduce=false # def couch_request(uid) query = {"reduce" => "false", "key" => "\"#{uid}\""} request ="#{FetchKey.couch_url}/#{FetchKey.couch_view}").get(:timeout => @timeout, :query => query) request.callback {|http| if http.response_header.status != 200 http.response_header.status, 'Unknown Error' else self.succeed parse_key_from_response(uid, http.response) end }.errback {|http| 0, http.error } end def parse_key_from_response(uid, response) json = JSON.load(response) if json["rows"].empty? 404, "Not Found" else return json["rows"].first["value"] end rescue Exception 0, "Error parsing CouchDB reply" end def self.couch_view "_design/User/_view/pgp_key_by_handle" end def self.couch_url if Config.couch_user ['http://', Config.couch_user, ':', Config.couch_password, '@', Config.couch_host, ':', Config.couch_port, '/', Config.couch_database].join else ['http://', Config.couch_host, ':', Config.couch_port, '/', Config.couch_database].join end end end end; end