:textile h1(first). Email and its discontents !>/img/gif/animated-gifs-email-007.gif! Email continues to be a vital communication tool. Unfortunately, the email protocol was designed in the Paleocene era of the internet and is unable to cope with the security threats common today. For example, there is no standard for ensuring secure relay between mail providers (StartTLS is easily thwarted) and email encryption technology (PGP and S/MIME) has proven to be too cumbersome to reach beyond a very small audience. Even PGP and S/MIME, however, offer no protection against association mapping since the email headers remain unencrypted. Finally, email providers have an unfortunate habit of handing over users' data to non-democratic regimes. h1. Email for the modern era The LEAP approach to email is to support communication with the legacy email infrastructure while also adding optional layers to the protocol that bring email more in line with modern security practices. *Opportunistic Content Encryption:* Whenever possible, all outgoing email will be encrypted to all the recipients. Encryption keys will be automatically discovered and verified using the #{link 'LEAP Identity' => 'nickid'} service. *Client-encrypted Mail Storage:* Incoming clear-text mail will get encrypted to the user's public key, stored in their cloud storage space, and sync'ed locally for direct access by a mail client. *Secure Routing:* When possible, if both recipient and sender are using #{link 'LEAP Secure Routing' => 'routing'}, then neither the sender's service provider nor the recipient's service provider will be able to map the pattern of communication between sender and recipient. *Required TLS:* We will develop a protocol for discovery of mail relays that support TLS as a requirement. In cases where the other server supports it, this will protect the email from social network analysis when in transit from server to server. It is important to have required TLS, and not just include support for StartTLS, because StartTLS can be easily downgraded to cleartext by an attacker.