@title = 'Bitmask Desktop v0.7.0-rc1 is ready for testing' @author = 'Ivan' @posted_at = '2014-09-06' @more = true @preview = '

Starting today users can run a "stable" or "unstable" version of Bitmask. For each new version, we will first issue an "unstable" public release candidate. People who are in position to run bleeding edge code can run the "unstable" version and help us find any problems that we might have missed.

'.html_safe Code name: "One time download, all time update" Starting today users can run a "stable" or "unstable" version of Bitmask. For each new version, we will first issue an "unstable" public release candidate. People who are in position to run bleeding edge code can run the "unstable" version and help us find any problems that we might have missed. We will fix these problems and then release a rock solid "stable" version of Bitmask. Download the release candiate, and report issues you find on our tracker https://leap.se/code or alert us on irc (freenode.net #leap). ## Changes For the users of the Linux Bundles, this is the first Bitmask Desktop client release that brings the ability to self-update. This means that you will be able to easily up to date to the latest version. On startup, the app will look for updates, and let you known when a new release is ready and give you a one-click access to the update. If you are using your package manager, you will still have to use the traditional methods to get updates (in ubuntu/Debian, that's `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade`). Based on your feedback we have merged all preferences into one elegant and simplified window, and as usual have fixed a hand full of smaller bugs. Behind the scenes were are quietly readying Bitmask for dead simple encrypted email. Its getting dangerously close to a public release candidate. * Download Release Candidate v0.7.0-rc1 and help us test the code * Download the "Stable" version https://dl.bitmask.net/ * Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leapcode/bitmask_client/master/CHANGELOG.rst