# # A navigation menu class # class Menu attr_accessor :parent attr_accessor :children attr_accessor :name # # load the menu.txt file and build the in-memory menu array # def load(menu_file_path) File.open(menu_file_path) do |file| parse_menu(file) end end def initialize(name, parent=nil) self.name = name self.parent = parent self.children = [] end ## ## public methods ## # # returns the menu under the item that matches item_name. # def submenu(item_name=nil) if item_name self.children.detect {|child| child.name == item_name} || Menu.new else self.children end end # # returns path from root to this leaf as an array # def path @path ||= begin if parent == nil [] else parent.path + [name] end end end def each(&block) children.each(&block) end def size children.size end # # returns true if menu's path starts with +path_prefix+ # def path_starts_with?(path_prefix) array_starts_with?(path, path_prefix) end def path_prefix_of?(full_path) array_starts_with?(full_path, path) end # # returns true if this menu item is the terminus menu item for path. # (meaning that there are no children that match more path segments) # def leaf_for_path?(path) return false unless path_prefix_of?(path) next_path_segment = (path - self.path).first return false if next_path_segment.nil? return !children.detect {|i| i.name == next_path_segment} end def inspect(indent=0) lines = [] lines << ' '*indent + '- ' + self.name self.children.each do |child| lines << child.inspect(indent+1) end lines.join("\n") end # # private & protected methods # protected def add_child(name) self.children << Menu.new(name, self) end private def array_starts_with?(big_array, small_array) small_array.length.times do |i| if small_array[i] != big_array[i] return false end end return true end def parse_menu(file) while true item = file.readline if item.strip.chars.any? && item !~ /^\s*#/ depth = item.scan(" ").size last_menu_at_depth(depth).add_child(item.strip) end end rescue EOFError # done loading end # # returns the last list of children at the specified depth # def last_menu_at_depth(depth) menu = self depth.times { menu = menu.children.last } menu end end