%h1 IRC Join us on freenode at #leap-dev. %h1 Source Code %p Links coming soon. %h3 Client %table.table.table-bordered %tr %td leap-client %td Easy to use client for secure communication %h3 Service provider platform %table.table.table-bordered %tr %td leap-platform %td Turn-key automation for communication service providers %tr %td leap-ca %td Client certificate generation daemon %h3 Web applications and libraries %table.table.table-bordered %tr %td{:colspan => 2} leap-web %td The complete web app that includes the following plugins... %tr %td %td leap-web-core %td provides common stuff like bootstrap, ui helpers, etc %tr %td %td leap-web-users %td user registration and management %tr %td %td leap-web-certs %td certificate management %tr %td %td leap-web-billing %td subscription and billing management %tr %td %td leap-web-helpdesk %td user tickets and documentation %tr %td{:colspan => 2} leap-web-demo %td Demo site %tr %td{:colspan => 2} leap-public-site %td This website %tr %td{:colspan => 2} srp-js %td Secure Remote Password (SRP) library for javascript %h1 Mailing List %p Coming soon. %h1 Wiki %p Coming soon.