- @title = "Let's play security bingo!" - @author = "Elijah" - @posted_at = "2012-08-28" - @more = true - @preview = capture_haml do :textile To be honest, this is might be the least satisfying game of bingo ever--but let's play anyway. The rules are simple: draw a grid, label the columns for different platforms, and label the rows for important communication toolsets. In each cell, put the name of an open source software package with reasonable security properties. If this exercise doesn't make you break down in tears, then you have won. %style :sass table.table border: 1px solid #ccc td background: white width: 12.5% font-size: 0.9em border-right: 1px solid #ccc td.section border-right: 0 = @preview :textile The rules probably need some adjustment if this game is to catch on. Here is my attempt at playing: %table.table %tr %th %th %th Windows %th Mac %th Linux %th iOS %th Android %th Web %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 3} Messages %td Short Message %td{:colspan => 3} #{link 'Pidgin' => 'http://pidgin.im'}, #{link 'Gajim' => 'http://gajim.org'}, #{link 'OTR' => 'http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/'} %td #{link 'ChatSecure' => 'https://chatsecure.org/'} %td #{link 'Gibberbot' => 'https://guardianproject.info/apps/gibber/'}, #{link 'Beem' => 'http://beem-project.com'}, #{link 'TextSecure' => 'https://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure'} %td #{link 'Cryptocat' => 'https://crypto.cat'} %tr %td Long Message %td{:colspan => 3} (#{link 'Thunderbird' => 'https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird'} + #{link 'Enigmail' => 'http://enigmail.mozdev.org/'}) %td %td (#{link 'K-9' => 'https://code.google.com/p/k9mail/'} + #{link 'AGP' => 'http://www.thialfihar.org/projects/apg/'}) %td -# %tr %td Social Networking %td %td %td %td %td %td %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 5} Files %td Storage %td #{link 'DiskCryptor' => 'http://diskcryptor.net'} %td %td EncFS, DMCrypt %td %td (#{link 'AOSP' => 'http://source.android.com/'}, #{link 'Cryptonite' => 'https://code.google.com/p/cryptonite/'}) %td #{link 'SafeWith.me' => 'https://SafeWith.me'} %tr %td Backup %td #{link 'Duplicati' => 'http://duplicati.com/'} %td %td #{link 'Déjà Dup' => 'https://launchpad.net/deja-dup'} %td %td #{link 'FlashBack' => 'http://www.whispersys.com/flashback.html'} %td %tr %td Synchronization %td{:colspan => 3} (#{link 'Syncany' => 'http://www.syncany.org/'}, #{link 'git-annex' => 'http://git-annex.branchable.com/assistant/'}) %td %td %td %tr %td Data Wipe %td #{link 'Eraser' => 'http://eraser.heidi.ie/'}, #{link 'BleachBit' => 'http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/'}, #{link 'DBAN' => 'http://www.dban.org/'} %td #{link 'DBAN' => 'http://www.dban.org/'} %td #{link 'BleachBit' => 'http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/'}, #{link 'DBAN' => 'http://www.dban.org/'}, wipe %td %td #{link 'InTheClear' => 'https://github.com/SaferMobile/InTheClear'} %td N/A -# %tr %td Collaboration %td %td %td %td %td %td %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 3} Audio/Video %td Direct Calling %td{:colspan => 3} (#{link 'Jitsi' => 'https://jitsi.org/'}) %td %td #{link 'RedPhone' => 'https://github.com/WhisperSystems/RedPhone'}, #{link 'CSimpleSip' => 'https://code.google.com/p/csipsimple/'} %td %tr %td Conference %td{:colspan => 3} (#{link 'Mumble' => 'http://mumble.sourceforge.net/'}) %td %td (#{link 'Mumble' => 'http://mumble.sourceforge.net/'}) %td %tr %td Capture & Reporting %td %td %td %td %td #{link 'ObscuraCam' => 'https://guardianproject.info/apps/obscuracam/'} %td %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 2} Network %td Availability %td{:colspan => 5} #{link 'Commotion' => 'http://commotionwireless.net/'} %td N/A %tr %td Confidentiality & Anonymity %td{:colspan => 5} #{link 'Tor' => 'https://torproject.org'}, (#{link 'OpenVPN' => 'http://openvpn.net'}) %td N/A %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 3} Identity %td Passwords %td{:colspan => 3} #{link 'KeePassX' => 'http://www.keepassx.org/'} %td %td #{link 'KeePassDroid' => 'http://www.keepassdroid.com/'} %td %tr %td Validation %td{:colspan => 6} (OpenPGP, #{link 'OTR' => 'http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/'}) %tr %td Authentication %td{:colspan => 6} #{link 'Mozilla Persona' => 'https://login.persona.org/'}, #{link 'WebID' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/spec/'} -# %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 2} Anti-intrusion %td Firewall %td %td %td Many %td %td DroidWall %td N/A %tr %td Anti-virus %td %td ClamXav %td ClamAV %td %td %td N/A -# %tbody %tr %td.section{:rowspan => 3} Productivity %td Events & Scheduling %td %td %td %td %td %td %tr %td Tasks & Planning %td %td %td %td %td %td :textile Looking at this table, two things are immediately obvious: first, I don't know much about Mac or iOS; second, there are a lot of missing cells, and most of the filled cells are dubious in nature. I put cells in parenthesis whenever I felt that the cell contents were egregiously doubtful. This could be for any number of reasons: # *Not ready*: Some software shows promise, but there is not really any code that is ready to be used. For example, Syncany and git-annex. # *Security problems*: Some software has notable security problems. Mumble, for example, only supports variable bit-rate encoding and is thus not suited to prevent eavesdropping by a skilled adversary. # *Hostile to users*: Much of the available software exemplifies a painful user experience. For example, Jitsi, OpenVPN, or OpenPGP. What is missing might be more revealing than what is listed. These toolsets are entirely absent from my 'security bingo' game card: * *Social Networking:* When I excluded software that I think is unfeasible (SecureShare) or has no security (Diaspora, etc), then you end up with zero projects. * *Document Collaboration:* I have high hopes for an encrypted etherpad, but so far no one has started work on it. * *Photos/Vidoes & Galleries:* Nothing I have heard of. * *Events & Scheduling:* Nothing I have heard of. * *Tasks & Planning:* Nothing I have heard of. I also excluded a few obvious categories: * *Firewall:* Reasonable firewall support is now built into most operating systems. * *Anti-virus:* Viruses are still mostly a problem on Windows. Other platforms have just gotten lucky so far. If you have suggestions for how I can fill in my game card, please write elijah@leap.se.