// // This is a simple CSS for a very fluid layout. One could say it is SUPER fluid. // functions taken from susy. // // HTML // // .top // .column_countainer // .column_content // .middle // .column_container // .column_content // .bottom // .column_container // .column_content // // // DEFAULTS // $total-columns: $gridColumns !default; $side-columns: 2 !default; $column-width: $gridColumnWidth !default; $gutter-width: $gridGutterWidth !default; // // FUNCTIONS // // // Returns the width of the specified number of columns // $columns => The number of columns to get width for. // @function columns-width($columns : $total-columns) { @return ($columns * $column-width) + (ceil($columns - 1) * $gutter-width); } // // Returns the full width of all columns // @function full-width() { @return columns-width(); } // // Return the percentage width of a single gutter in a given column context. // $context => The grid context in columns, if nested. // @function gutter($context : $total-columns) { @return percentage($gutter-width / columns-width($context)); } // // Return the percentage width of multiple 'columns' in a given 'context'. // $columns => The number of columns to get relative width for. // $context => The grid context in columns, if nested. // @function columns($columns, $context : $total-columns) { @return percentage(columns-width($columns) / columns-width($context)); } // // CSS // .column_container { *zoom: 1; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: full-width(); max-width: 100%; } .column_content { padding-left: gutter(); padding-right: gutter(); } .middle .column_container:after { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; } .middle .column_content { padding-top: gutter(); padding-bottom: gutter(); } .main_column.with_side_column { width: columns($total-columns - $side-columns); margin-left: gutter(); float: left; // without left float, we would use this: // margin-left: columns($side-columns) + gutter(); // but that creates problems if we have floated columns inside this main column } //.article.full { // margin-left: 0; // width: columns; //} .side_column { display: inline; float: left; width: columns($side-columns); }