About this web application ============================ The LEAP public website is lightweight rails application that just mostly serves up (semi) static templates. No databases are used or harmed in the making of this website. The goal with this web app is to be as flexible and lightweight as possible, and to support stellar localization. There are numerous ruby tools to build static websites, but I found them to not be good for localization and to be too inflexible. Installation sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems gem install bundler git clone git://leap.se/leap_website cd leap_website bundle Running in development mode cd leap_website rails server Console examples rails console rails console production rails dbconsole Rake takes rake doc:app Running in production (with webrick) bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production rails server Modifying pages ====================================== Edit the HAML files found in leap_website/pages Deploying ====================================== Manually ---------------- rsync -a leap_website server:~ ssh server cd leap_website bundle install --deployment With Capistrano --------------------- Edit config/deploy.rb cap setup cap deploy Running with Apache ------------------------ Install Passenger (mod_rack) sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-passenger Configure Apache ServerName leap.se DocumentRoot /home/leap/leap_website/public Allow from all Options -MultiViews Development ============================== If you change a sass source file, you must run: rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production This app uses precompiled assets. Development Notes ============================= Search --------------------------- Maybe we should add search. This appears to be the most appropriate search tool to use for this static webapp: http://xapian.org/docs/bindings/ruby/ Some notes on how flask does a similar thing:: * http://librelist.com/browser//flask/2012/3/21/maillinglist-archive-searchable/#ff1d34246a16845c410d2c9a411f5829 * https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask/blob/website/flask_website/search.py * https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask/blob/website/flask_website/views/mailinglist.py pure ruby, for ar: https://github.com/dougal/acts_as_indexed/ Other static CMS in ruby ----------------------------- * http://nestacms.com/ * https://github.com/gma/nesta * https://github.com/gma/nesta-rails * https://github.com/quickleft/regulate -- git, engine, cms, rails