class CouchRest::Session::Store < ActionDispatch::Session::AbstractStore # delegate configure to document def self.configure(*args, &block) CouchRest::Session::Document.configure *args, &block end def self.set_options(options) @options = options if @options[:database] CouchRest::Session::Document.use_database @options[:database] end end def initialize(app, options = {}) super self.class.set_options(options) end def cleanup(rows) rows.each do |row| doc = CouchRest::Session::Document.fetch(row['id']) doc.delete end end def expired CouchRest::Session::Document.find_by_expires startkey: 1, endkey: end def never_expiring CouchRest::Session::Document.find_by_expires endkey: 1 end private def get_session(env, sid) if session = fetch_session(sid) [sid, session] else [generate_sid, {}] end rescue CouchRest::NotFound # session data does not exist anymore return [sid, {}] rescue CouchRest::Unauthorized, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e # can't connect to couch. We add some status to the session # so the app can react. (Display error for example) return [sid, {"_status" => {"couch" => "unreachable"}}] end def set_session(env, sid, session, options) raise CouchRest::NotFound if /^_design\/(.*)/ =~ sid couchrest_session = build_or_update_doc(sid, session, options) return sid # if we can't store the session we just return false. rescue CouchRest::Unauthorized, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e return false end def destroy_session(env, sid, options) doc = secure_get(sid) doc.delete generate_sid unless options[:drop] rescue CouchRest::NotFound # already destroyed - we're done. generate_sid unless options[:drop] end def fetch_session(sid) return nil unless sid couchrest_session = secure_get(sid) couchrest_session.to_session unless couchrest_session.expired? end def build_or_update_doc(sid, session, options) CouchRest::Session.build_or_update(sid, session, options) end # prevent access to design docs # this should be prevented on a couch permission level as well. # but better be save than sorry. def secure_get(sid) raise CouchRest::NotFound if /^_design\/(.*)/ =~ sid CouchRest::Session.fetch(sid) end end