# CommonLanguages A simple gem that provides the ability to display the list of I18n.available_locales in a localized and friendly way. There are many similar or related gems. For example: * https://github.com/davec/localized_language_select * https://github.com/teonimesic/language_switcher * https://github.com/grosser/i18n_data * https://github.com/scsmith/language_list I wanted something different than what these others provide: * Language names should be displayed in the native name for each language, not a localized or anglicized version. * There should not be any gem dependencies. * Since there is no universal collation across all languages, they should be sorted in order of popularity. * There should not be any need to parse large data files, 99% of which will never be used. # Usage This code: I18n.available_locales = [:de, :en, :pt] CommonLanguages.available.each do |language| p [language.code, language.name, language.english_name, language.rtl?] end Produces: [:en, "English", "English", false] [:pt, "Português", "Portugues", false] [:de, "Deutsch", "German", false]