require 'test_helper' require_relative 'rack_test' class AccountFlowTest < RackTest setup do @login = "integration_test_user" User.find_by_login(@login).tap{|u| u.destroy if u} @password = "srp, verify me!" @srp = @login, :password => @password @user_params = { :login => @login, :password_verifier => @srp.verifier.to_s(16), :password_salt => @srp.salt.to_s(16) } post '', :user => @user_params @user = User.find_by_login(@login) end teardown do @user.destroy if @user Warden.test_reset! end # this test wraps the api and implements the interface the ruby-srp client. def handshake(login, aa) post "", :login => login, 'A' => aa, :format => :json response = JSON.parse(last_response.body) if response['errors'] raise['errors']) else return response['B'] end end def validate(m) put "" + @login + '.json', :client_auth => m, :format => :json return JSON.parse(last_response.body) end test "signup response" do assert_json_response :login => @login, :ok => true assert last_response.successful? end test "signup and login with srp via api" do server_auth = @srp.authenticate(self) assert last_response.successful? assert_nil server_auth["errors"] assert server_auth["M2"] end test "signup and wrong password login attempt" do srp = @login, :password => "wrong password" server_auth = srp.authenticate(self) assert_json_error "base" => "Not a valid username/password combination" assert !last_response.successful? assert_nil server_auth["M2"] end test "signup and wrong username login attempt" do srp = "wrong_login", :password => @password server_auth = nil assert_raises RECORD_NOT_FOUND do server_auth = srp.authenticate(self) end assert_json_error "base" => "Not a valid username/password combination" assert !last_response.successful? assert_nil server_auth end test "update user" do server_auth = @srp.authenticate(self) test_public_key = 'asdlfkjslfdkjasd' original_login = @user.login new_login = 'zaph' User.find_by_login(new_login).try(:destroy) Identity.by_address.key(new_login + '@' + APP_CONFIG[:domain]).each do |identity| identity.destroy end put "" + + '.json', :user => {:public_key => test_public_key, :login => new_login}, :format => :json assert last_response.successful? assert_equal test_public_key, Identity.for(@user).keys[:pgp] # does not change login if no password_verifier is present assert_equal original_login, @user.login # eventually probably want to remove most of this into a non-integration functional test # should not overwrite public key: put "" + + '.json', :user => {:blee => :blah}, :format => :json assert_equal test_public_key, Identity.for(@user).keys[:pgp] # should overwrite public key: put "" + + '.json', :user => {:public_key => nil}, :format => :json assert_nil Identity.for(@user).keys[:pgp] end end