require 'test_helper' # This is a simple controller unit test. # We're stubbing out both warden and srp. # There's an integration test testing the full rack stack and srp class V1::SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase setup do @request.env['HTTP_HOST'] = '' @user = stub_record :user @client_hex = 'a123' end test "renders json" do request.env['warden'].expects(:winning_strategy) get :new, :format => :json assert_response :success assert_json_error nil end test "renders warden errors" do strategy = stub :message => {:field => :translate_me} request.env['warden'].stubs(:winning_strategy).returns(strategy) I18n.expects(:t).with(:translate_me).at_least_once.returns("translation stub") get :new, :format => :json assert_response 422 assert_json_error :field => "translation stub" end # Warden takes care of parsing the params and # rendering the response. So not much to test here. test "should perform handshake" do request.env['warden'].expects(:authenticate!) # make sure we don't get a template missing error: @controller.stubs(:render) post :create, :login => @user.login, 'A' => @client_hex end test "should authorize" do request.env['warden'].expects(:authenticate!) @controller.expects(:current_user).returns(@user) handshake = stub(:to_hash => {h: "ash"}) session[:handshake] = handshake post :update, :id => @user.login, :client_auth => @client_hex assert_nil session[:handshake] assert_response :success assert_json_response handshake.to_hash.merge(id: end test "logout should reset warden user" do expect_warden_logout delete :destroy assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to root_url end def expect_warden_logout raw = mock('raw session') do expects(:inspect) end request.env['warden'].expects(:raw_session).returns(raw) request.env['warden'].expects(:logout) end end