en: signup: "Sign up" signup_message: "Please create an account." cancel: "Cancel" login: "Login" login_message: "Please login with your account." wrong_password: "wrong password" user_not_found: "could not be found" change_login: "Change Login" change_password: "Change Password" cancel_account: "Cancel your account" set_email_address: "Set email address" forward_email: "Forward email" email_aliases: "Email aliases" user_updated_successfully: "Settings have been updated successfully." user_created_successfully: "Successfully created your account." activemodel: models: user: one: User other: "%{count} Users" simple_form: labels: user: email_forward: "Email forward" hints: user: email_forward: "Forward all emails to this address" email: "Your leap web email address" placeholders: user: email_forward: "my_other_email@domain.net"