class Token < CouchRest::Model::Base use_database :tokens belongs_to :user # timestamps! does not create setters and only sets updated_at # if the object has changed and been saved. Instead of triggering # that we rather use our own property we have control over: property :last_seen_at, Time, accessible: false validates :user_id, presence: true design do view :by_last_seen_at end def self.expires_after APP_CONFIG[:auth] && APP_CONFIG[:auth][:token_expires_after] end def self.expired return [] unless expires_after by_last_seen_at.endkey(expires_after.minutes.ago) end def self.destroy_all_expired self.expired.each do |token| token.destroy end end def authenticate if expired? destroy return nil else touch return user end end # Tokens can be cleaned up in different ways. # So let's make sure we don't crash if they disappeared def destroy_with_rescue destroy_without_rescue rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound end alias_method_chain :destroy, :rescue def touch self.last_seen_at = save end def expired? Token.expires_after and last_seen_at < Token.expires_after.minutes.ago end def initialize(*args) super if new_record? = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32).gsub(/^_*/, '') self.last_seen_at = end end end