require_relative '../test_helper' class AccountTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @testcode =! end teardown do @user.account.destroy if @user && @user.persisted? Identity.destroy_all_orphaned end test "create a new account when invited" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) assert @user.valid?, "unexpected errors: #{@user.errors.inspect}" assert @user.persisted? assert id = @user.identity assert_equal @user.email_address, id.address assert_equal @user.email_address, id.destination end test "fail to create account without invite" do with_config invite_required: true do @user = Account.create(user_attributes) assert !@user.valid?, "user should not be valid" assert !@user.persisted?, "user should not have been saved" assert_has_errors @user, invite_code: "This is not a valid code" end end test "allow invite_required override" do with_config invite_required: true do @user = Account.create(user_attributes, :invite_required => false) assert @user.valid?, "unexpected errors: #{@user.errors.inspect}" assert @user.persisted?, "user should have been saved" end end test "create a new account" do with_config invite_required: false do @user = Account.create(user_attributes) assert @user.valid?, "unexpected errors: #{@user.errors.inspect}" assert @user.persisted? end end test "error on reused username" do with_config invite_required: false do attributes = user_attributes @user = Account.create attributes dup = Account.create attributes assert !dup.valid? assert_has_errors dup, login: "has already been taken" end end test "error on invalid username" do with_config invite_required: false do attributes = FactoryGirl.attributes_for :user, login: "a" @user = Account.create attributes assert !@user.valid? assert_has_errors @user, login: "Must have at least two characters" end end test "create and remove a @user account" do # We keep an identity that will block the handle from being reused. assert_difference "Identity.count" do assert_no_difference "User.count" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) @user.account.destroy end end end test "change username and create alias" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) old_id = @user.identity old_email = @user.email_address @user.account.update(user_attributes) @user.reload old_id.reload assert @user.valid? assert @user.persisted? assert id = @user.identity assert id.persisted? assert_equal @user.email_address, id.address assert_equal @user.email_address, id.destination assert_equal @user.email_address, old_id.destination assert_equal old_email, old_id.address end test "create recovery code if it does not exist" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) @user.account.update(:recovery_code_verifier => "abc", :recovery_code_salt => "123") @user.reload assert_equal "abc", @user.recovery_code_verifier assert_equal "123", @user.recovery_code_salt end test "update recovery code that already exists" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code, :recovery_code_verifier => "000", :recovery_code_salt => "111")) @user.account.update(:recovery_code_verifier => "abc", :recovery_code_salt => "123") @user.reload assert_equal "abc", @user.recovery_code_verifier assert_equal "123", @user.recovery_code_salt end test "update password" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) @user.account.update(:password_verifier => "551A8B", :password_salt => "551A8B") assert_equal "551A8B", @user.password_verifier assert_equal "551A8B", @user.password_salt end test "Invite code count goes up by 1 when the invite code is entered" do with_config invite_required: true do @user = Account.create(user_attributes( :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) user_code = InviteCode.find_by_invite_code @user.invite_code assert @user.persisted? assert_equal 1, user_code.invite_count end end test "Single use invite code is destroyed when used by test @user" do with_config invite_required: true do attrs = user_attributes invite_code: @testcode.invite_code attrs[:login] = 'test_user_' + attrs[:login] @user = Account.create(attrs) assert @user.persisted?, @user.errors.inspect assert_nil InviteCode.find_by_invite_code @user.invite_code end end test "Single use invite code is destroyed when used by tmp @user" do with_config invite_required: true do attrs = user_attributes invite_code: @testcode.invite_code attrs[:login] = 'tmp_user_' + attrs[:login] @user = Account.create(attrs) assert @user.persisted?, @user.errors.inspect assert_nil InviteCode.find_by_invite_code @user.invite_code end end test "Invite code stays zero when invite code is not used" do invalid_user =, :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code) user_code = InviteCode.find_by_invite_code invalid_user.invite_code assert_equal 0, user_code.invite_count end test "disabled accounts have no cert fingerprints" do @user = Account.create(user_attributes) cert = stub(expiry: 1.month.from_now, fingerprint: SecureRandom.hex) @user.identity.register_cert cert assert_equal(cert.fingerprint, Identity.for(@user).cert_fingerprints.keys.first) @user.account.disable assert_equal({}, Identity.for(@user).cert_fingerprints) assert_equal(cert.fingerprint, Identity.for(@user).read_attribute(:disabled_cert_fingerprints).keys.first) @user.account.enable assert_equal(cert.fingerprint, Identity.for(@user).cert_fingerprints.keys.first) end # Pixelated relies on the ability to test invite codes without sending a # username and password yet. # So we better make sure we return the appropriate errors test "errors trying to create account with invite only" do with_config invite_required: true do @user = Account.create invite_code: @testcode.invite_code assert @user.errors[:invite_code].blank? end end test "errors trying to create account with invalid invite only" do with_config invite_required: true do @user = Account.create invite_code: "wrong_invite_code" assert_has_errors @user, invite_code: "This is not a valid code" end end protected # Tests for the presence of the errors given. # Does not test for the absence of other errors - so there may be more. def assert_has_errors(record, errors) errors.each do |field, field_errors| Array(field_errors).each do |error| assert_includes record.errors[field], error end end end def user_attributes(attrs = {}) FactoryGirl.attributes_for :user, attrs end end