require 'test_helper' class AccountTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @testcode =! end teardown do Identity.destroy_all_disabled end test "create a new account" do user = Account.create(FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:user, :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) assert user.valid?, "unexpected errors: #{user.errors.inspect}" assert user.persisted? assert id = user.identity assert_equal user.email_address, id.address assert_equal user.email_address, id.destination user.account.destroy end test "create and remove a user account" do # We keep an identity that will block the handle from being reused. assert_difference "Identity.count" do assert_no_difference "User.count" do user = Account.create(FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:user, :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) user.account.destroy end end end test "change username and create alias" do user = Account.create(FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:user, :invite_code => @testcode.invite_code)) old_id = user.identity old_email = user.email_address user.account.update(FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:user)) user.reload old_id.reload assert user.valid? assert user.persisted? assert id = user.identity assert id.persisted? assert_equal user.email_address, id.address assert_equal user.email_address, id.destination assert_equal user.email_address, old_id.destination assert_equal old_email, old_id.address user.account.destroy end end