import __main__ as main import os import sys import nagios_report def run(test): """ run takes a function and tries it out. If it returns nothing or 0 everything is fine and run prints an OK message with the function name. >>> def this_works_fine(): return >>> run(this_works_fine) 0 - OK - this_works_fine 0 >>> def this_also_works_fine(): return 0 >>> run(this_also_works_fine) 0 - OK - this_also_works_fine 0 If the function returns something else it will be printed as a warning. >>> run(lambda : "this is a warning") 1 - WARNING - this is a warning 1 Errors raised will result in a CRITICAL nagios string. >>> def failure(): raise Exception("something went wrong") >>> run(failure) 2 - CRITICAL - something went wrong 2 """ try: name = os.path.basename(main.__file__) except AttributeError: name = sys.argv[0] ok, warn, fail, unknown = nagios_report.functions_for_system(name) try: warning = test() if warning and warning != 0: code = warn(warning) else: code = ok(test.__name__) except Exception as exc: code = fail(exc.message or str(exc)) return code if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()