ENGINE_FACTORY_FILES = Rails.root.join('engines','*','test','factories.rb') Dir.glob(ENGINE_FACTORY_FILES) do |factory_file| require factory_file end FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do # Faker::Internet.user_name alone was sometimes # producing duplicate usernames. login { Faker::Internet.user_name + '_' + SecureRandom.hex(4) } password_verifier "1234ABCD" password_salt "4321AB" invite_code "testcode" factory :user_with_settings do email_forward { Faker::Internet.email } email_aliases_attributes do {:a => Faker::Internet.user_name + '@' + APP_CONFIG[:domain]} end end factory :admin_user do after(:build) do |admin| admin.stubs(:is_admin?).returns(true) end end factory :premium_user do effective_service_level_code 2 end end # Identities can have a lot of different purposes - alias, forward, ... # So far this is a blocked handle only. factory :identity do address {Faker::Internet.user_name + '@' + APP_CONFIG[:domain]} end factory :token do user end factory :pgp_key do keyblock <<-EOPGP -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- +Dummy+PGP+KEY+++Dummy+PGP+KEY+++Dummy+PGP+KEY+++Dummy+PGP+KEY+ #{SecureRandom.base64(4032)} -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOPGP end factory :message do text Faker::Lorem.paragraph end end