#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "net/http" require "uri" require "json" require "base64" require "optparse" require "yaml" options = {} option_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Create your bearer_token for twitter by including following two [options], feel free to have your secrets-file created/filled giving the other information as well:" opts.on("--key KEY", "consumer_key of your twitter application") do |key| options[:conkey] = key end opts.on("--secret SECRET", "consumer_secret of your twitter application") do |secret| options[:consec] = secret end opts.on("--projectroot DIR", "directory where leapweb is") do |projectroot| options[:projectroot] = projectroot end opts.on("--twitterhandle TWI", "twitterhandle without @ which will be passed into secrets-file") do |twitterhandle| options[:twitterhandle] = twitterhandle end end option_parser.parse! if options[:conkey].nil? || options[:consec].nil? then puts option_parser exit else consumer_key = options[:conkey] consumer_secret = options[:consec] end uri = URI("https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token") data = "grant_type=client_credentials" cre = Base64.strict_encode64("#{consumer_key}:#{consumer_secret}") authorization_headers = { "Authorization" => "Basic #{cre}"} Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| response = http.request_post(uri, data, authorization_headers) token_hash = JSON.parse(response.body) $bearer_token = token_hash["access_token"] end if options[:projectroot].nil? then puts "You didn't tell us the directory to have your secrets-file created or being filled. Feel free to copy/paste your bearer_token:" puts $bearer_token else if File.exist?("#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml") secrets = YAML.load_file("#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml") else puts "Please make sure that you created a secrets-file as described in the documentation or have given the correct directory. No secrets-file could be found." exit # secrets_content = {"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}} # secrets = {"development"=> secrets_content, "test"=>secrets_content} # secrets = {"development"=> {"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}, "test"=>{"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}} # File.new("#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml", "w") end if options[:twitterhandle].nil? then if secrets["development"]["twitter"]["twitter_handle"] == "" then puts "You didn't put your twitter-handle neither in the secrets-file nor passed it as a flag. Don't forget that you can't use the twitter-feature without your twitter-handle." end else secrets["development"]["twitter"]["twitter_handle"] = options[:twitterhandle] secrets["test"]["twitter"]["twitter_handle"] = options[:twitterhandle] end secrets["development"]["twitter"]["bearer_token"] = $bearer_token secrets["test"]["twitter"]["bearer_token"] = $bearer_token File.open("#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml", "r+") do |file| file.write(secrets.to_yaml) end end