module LoginFormatValidation extend ActiveSupport::Concern #TODO: Probably will replace this. Playing with using it for aliases too, but won't want it connected to login field. included do # Have multiple regular expression validations so we can get specific error messages: validates :login, :format => { :with => /\A.{2,}\z/, :message => "Must have at least two characters"} validates :login, :format => { :with => /\A[a-z\d_\.-]+\z/, :message => "Only lowercase letters, digits, . - and _ allowed."} validates :login, :format => { :with => /\A[a-z].*\z/, :message => "Must begin with a lowercase letter"} validates :login, :format => { :with => /\A.*[a-z\d]\z/, :message => "Must end with a letter or digit"} end end