%h1 tickets show (just as space) %h1 tickets show (just as space) - if flash[:notice] =flash[:notice] - if flash[:alert] =flash[:alert] %h2= @ticket.title - if @ticket.code code: = @ticket.code - if @ticket.email email: = @ticket.email - if User.find(@ticket.created_by) Created by = User.find(@ticket.created_by).login - else Unauthenticated ticket creator = render(:partial => "comment", :collection => @ticket.comments) = simple_form_for (@ticket, :html => {:novalidate => true}) do |f| #turn off html5 validations to test = f.simple_fields_for :comments, TicketComment.new do |c| = c.input :body, :label => 'Comment', :as => :text = #render :partial => 'new_comment' = f.label :is_open = f.select :is_open, [true, false] = f.button :submit # have button to close = # want to ahve button to close = link_to t(:cancel), tickets_path, :class => :btn