.spam12 %b Created by: - if @ticket.created_by_user = link_to @ticket.created_by_user.login, edit_user_path(@ticket.created_by_user) #todo: won't want edit path - else Unauthenticated ticket creator - if @ticket.regarding_user %b Regarding user: - if admin? - if @ticket.regarding_user_actual_user = link_to @ticket.regarding_user_actual_user.login, edit_user_path(@ticket.regarding_user_actual_user) #todo: won't want edit path - else = @ticket.regarding_user + ' (no such user)' - else # a non-admin is viewing the ticket, so they shouldn't see confirmation of whether the regarding_user exists or not. = @ticket.regarding_user - if @ticket.email %b email: = @ticket.email %b Created at: = @ticket.created_at.to_s(:short) %b Updated at: = @ticket.updated_at.to_s(:short) %b = "Status:" - if @ticket.is_open = 'open' = button_to 'Close', {:post => {:is_open => false}}, :method => :put, :class => 'btn btn-small' - else = 'closed' = button_to 'Open', {:post => {:is_open => true}}, :method => :put, :class => 'btn btn-small'