class Ticket < CouchRest::Model::Base #include ActiveModel::Validations use_database "tickets" require 'securerandom' =begin title created_at updated_at email_address user user_verified? admins (list of admins who have commented on the ticket) code (secret url) =end #belongs_to :user #from leap_web_users. doesn't necessarily belong to a user though property :created_by, String, :protected => true #Integer #nil unless user was authenticated for ticket creation, #THIS should not be changed after being set #property :regarding_user, String#Integer # form cannot be submitted if they type in a username w/out corresponding ID. this field can be nil. for authenticated ticket creation by non-admins, should this just automatically be set to be same as created_by? or maybe we don't use this field unless created_by is nil? #also, both created_by and regarding_user could be nil---say user forgets username, or has general question property :title, String property :email, String #verify #property :user_verified, TrueClass, :default => false #will be true exactly when user is set #admins #property :code, String, :protected => true # only should be set if created_by is nil #instead we will just use couchdb ID property :is_open, TrueClass, :default => true property :comments, [TicketComment] timestamps! #before_validation :set_created_by, :set_code, :set_email, :on => :create before_validation :set_email, :on => :create #named_scope :open, :conditions => {:is_open => true} #?? design do #TODO--clean this all up view :by_is_open view :by_created_by view :by_updated_at # view :by_title, #test :map => "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }" view :by_is_open_and_created_by view :by_is_open_and_created_at view :by_updated_at_and_is_open, :map => "function(doc) { if (doc['type'] == 'Ticket' && doc.is_open == true) { emit(doc.updated_at, doc); } }" view :by_updated_at_and_is_closed, :map => "function(doc) { if (doc['type'] == 'Ticket' && doc.is_open == false) { emit(doc.updated_at, doc); } }" view :by_commented_by, :map => "function(doc) { doc.comments.forEach(function(comment){ emit(comment.posted_by, doc); }); }" view :by_commented_by_and_commented_at, :map => "function(doc) { doc.comments.forEach(function(comment){ emit([comment.posted_by, comment.posted_at], doc); }); }" end validates :title, :presence => true #validates :comments, :presence => true #do we want it like this? # html5 has built-in validation which isn't ideal, as it says 'please enter an email address' for invalid email addresses, which implies an email address is required, and it is not. validates :email, :format => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/, :if => :email #email address is optional #TODO: #def set_created_by # self.created_by = User.current if User.current #end def self.for_user(user, options) if options[:open_status] == 'open' Ticket.by_is_open_and_created_by.key([true,]) elsif options[:open_status] == 'closed' Ticket.by_is_open_and_created_by.key([false,]) else Ticket.by_created_by(:key => end #TODO---if, when logged in, user accessed unauthenticated ticket, then seems okay to list it in their list of tickets. Thus, include all tickets that the user has posted to, not just those that they created. # todo. presumably quite inefficent. sorts by updated_at increasing. would also make it an array, so pagination wouldn't work # @tickets = @tickets.sort{|x,y| x.updated_at <=> y.updated_at} end def self.for_admin(user, options) if options[:admin_status] == 'mine' self.tickets_by_admin( #returns Array so pagination does not work elsif options[:open_status] == 'open' Ticket.by_updated_at_and_is_open # Ticket.by_is_open.key(true) #returns CouchRest::Model::Designs::View elsif options[:open_status] == 'closed' Ticket.by_updated_at_and_is_closed # Ticket.by_is_open.key(false) #returns CouchRest::Model::Designs::View else # Ticket.all #returns CouchRest::Model::Designs::View Ticket.by_updated_at end end #returns Array which doesn't work for pagination, as it is now. def self.tickets_by_admin(id) admin_tickets = [] tickets = Ticket.all tickets.each do |ticket| ticket.comments.each do |comment| if comment.posted_by == id and (params[:open_status] != 'open' or ticket.is_open) and (params[:open_status] != 'closed' or !ticket.is_open) #limit based on whether the ticket is open if open_status is set to open or closed admin_tickets << ticket break end end end # TODO. is this inefficent?: # this sorts by updated at increasing: admin_tickets.sort{|x,y| x.updated_at <=> y.updated_at} end def is_creator_validated? !!created_by end =begin def set_code #let's not use this---can use same show url # ruby 1.9 provides url-safe option---this is not necessarily url-safe self.code = SecureRandom.hex(8) if !is_creator_validated? end =end def set_email = nil if == "" # in controller set to be current users email if that exists end #not saving with close and reopen, as we will save in update when they are called. def close self.is_open = false #save end def reopen self.is_open = true #save end def commenters commenters = [] self.comments.each do |comment| if comment.posted_by if user = User.find(comment.posted_by) commenters << user.login if user and !commenters.include?(user.login) else commenters << 'unknown user' if !commenters.include?('unknown user') #todo don't hardcode string 'unknown user' end else commenters << 'unauthenticated user' if !commenters.include?('unauthenticated user') #todo don't hardcode string 'unauthenticated user' end end commenters.join(', ') end def comments_attributes=(attributes) if attributes # could be empty as we will empty if nothing was typed in comment = #comment.posted_by = if User.current #we want to avoid User.current, and current_user won't work here. instead will set in tickets_controller # what about: comment.posted_by = self.updated_by (will need to add ticket.updated_by) comment.posted_at = comments << comment end end =begin def validate if email_address and not email_address.strip =~ RFC822::EmailAddress errors.add 'email', 'contains an invalid address' end end =end end