module TicketsHelper def status params[:open_status] end def admin # do we not want this set for non-admins? the param will be viewable in the url params[:admin_status] || 'all' end def order params[:sort_order] || 'updated_at_desc' end def link_to_status(new_status) if new_status == "open" label = t(:open_tickets) elsif new_status == "closed" label = t(:closed_tickets) elsif new_status == "all" label = t(:all_tickets) end link_to label, tickets_path(:open_status => new_status, :admin_status => admin, :sort_order => order) end def link_to_order(order_field) if order.start_with?(order_field) # link for currently-filtered field. Link to other direction of this field. if order.end_with? 'asc' direction = 'desc' icon_direction = 'up' else direction = 'asc' icon_direction = 'down' end arrow = content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-arrow-'+ icon_direction) else # for not-currently-filtered field, don't display an arrow, and link to descending direction arrow = '' direction = 'desc' end if order_field == 'updated' label = t(:updated) elsif order_field == 'created' label = t(:created) end link_to :sort_order => order_field + '_at_' + direction, :open_status => status, :admin_status => admin do arrow + label end end end