class TicketsController < ApplicationController respond_to :html, :json #has_scope :open, :type => boolean before_filter :set_strings before_filter :authorize, :only => [:index] def new @ticket = end def create @ticket =[:ticket]) if logged_in? @ticket.created_by = = if @ticket.comments.last.posted_by = else @ticket.comments.last.posted_by = nil #hacky, but protecting this attribute doesn't work right, so this should make sure it isn't set. end flash[:notice] = 'Ticket was successfully created.' if if !logged_in? flash[:notice] = flash[:notice] + ' You can later access this ticket at the url ' + request.protocol + request.host_with_port + ticket_path( + '. You might want to bookmark this page to find it again. Anybody with this URL will be able to access this ticket, so if you are on a shared computer you might want to remove it from the browser history' #todo end respond_with(@ticket) end =begin def edit @ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) # build ticket comments? end =end def show @ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) @comment = if !@ticket redirect_to tickets_path, :alert => "No such ticket" return end ticket_access_denied? #authorize_ticket_access # # build ticket comments? end def update @ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) if !ticket_access_denied? if params[:post] #currently changes to title or is_open status @ticket.attributes = params[:post] # TODO: do we want to keep the history of title changes? one possibility was adding a comment that said something like 'user changed the title from a to b' else params[:ticket][:comments_attributes] = nil if params[:ticket][:comments_attributes].values.first[:body].blank? #unset comments hash if no new comment was typed @ticket.attributes = params[:ticket] #this will call comments_attributes= @ticket.close if params[:commit] == @reply_close_str #this overrides is_open selection # what if there is an update and no new comment? Confirm that there is a new comment to update posted_by: @ticket.comments.last.posted_by = (current_user ? : nil) if @ticket.comments_changed? #protecting posted_by isn't working, so this should protect it. end if @ticket.changed? and flash[:notice] = 'Ticket was successfully updated.' if @ticket.is_open || !logged_in? respond_with @ticket else #for closed tickets with authenticated users, redirect to index. redirect_to tickets_path end else #redirect_to [:show, @ticket] # flash[:alert] = 'Ticket has not been changed' redirect_to @ticket #respond_with(@ticket) # why does this go to edit?? redirect??? end end end def index @all_tickets = Ticket.for_user(current_user, params, admin?) #for tests, useful to have as separate variable @tickets =[:page]).per(10) end def destroy # should we allow non-admins to delete their own tickets? i don't think necessary. @ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id]) @ticket.destroy if admin? redirect_to tickets_path end private def ticket_access? @ticket and (admin? or !@ticket.created_by or (current_user and == @ticket.created_by)) end def ticket_access_denied? access_denied unless ticket_access? end def set_strings @post_reply_str = 'Post reply' #t :post_reply @reply_close_str = 'Reply and close' #t :reply_and_close end # not using now, as we are using comment_attributes= from the Ticket model =begin def add_comment comment =[:comment]) comment.posted_by = if User.current #could be nil comment.posted_at = # TODO: it seems strange to have this here, and not in model @ticket.comments << comment end =end end