Feature: Unauthenticated API endpoints Most of the LEAP Provider API requires authentication. However there are a few exceptions - mostly prerequisits of authenticating. This feature and the authentication feature document these. Background: Given I set headers: | Accept | application/json | | Content-Type | application/json | @tempfile Scenario: Fetch provider config Given there is a config for the provider When I send a GET request to "/provider.json" Then the response status should be "200" And the response should be that config Scenario: Fetch list of available configs When I send a GET request to "/2/configs.json" Then the response status should be "200" And the response should be: """ { "services": { "soledad": "/2/configs/soledad-service.json", "eip": "/2/configs/eip-service.json", "smtp": "/2/configs/smtp-service.json" } } """ Scenario: Authentication required response When I send a GET request to "/2/configs/config_id.json" Then the response status should be "401" And the response should have "error" with "not_authorized_login" And the response should have "message" Scenario: Authentication required for all other API endpoints (incomplete) Given I am not logged in When I send requests to these endpoints: | GET | /2/configs/config_id.json | | GET | /2/service | | DELETE | /2/logout | Then they should require authentication