Given /^there is a message for me$/ do @message = FactoryGirl.create :message, user_ids_to_show: [] end Given /^there is a message for me with:$/ do |options| attributes = options.rows_hash attributes.merge! user_ids_to_show: [] if old_message = Message.find(attributes['id']) old_message.destroy end @message = FactoryGirl.create :message, attributes end Given(/^that message is marked as read$/) do @message.mark_as_read_by(@user) end Then /^the response should (not)?\s?include that message$/ do |negative| json = JSON.parse(last_response.body) message = json.detect{|message| message['id'] ==} if negative.present? assert !message else assert_equal @message.text, message['text'] end end Then /^that message should be marked as read$/ do assert @message.reload.read_by? @user assert !@message.unread_by?(@user) end