# use with @tempfile, @config Given /there is a config for the (.*)$/ do |config| @dummy_config = {dummy_config_for: config}.to_json @tempfile = Tempfile.new("#{config}.json") @tempfile.write @dummy_config @tempfile.close if config == 'provider' StaticConfigController::PROVIDER_JSON = @tempfile.path else @orig_config ||= APP_CONFIG.dup APP_CONFIG[:config_file_paths].merge! "#{config}-service" => @tempfile.path end end # use with @config Given /^"([^"]*)" is (enabled|disabled|"[^"]") in the config$/ do |key, value| @orig_config ||= APP_CONFIG.dup value = case value when 'disabled' then false when 'enabled' then true else value.gsub('"', '') end APP_CONFIG.merge! key => value end Then /^the response should be that config$/ do assert_equal @dummy_config, last_response.body end