Feature: Download Provider Configuration The LEAP Provider exposes parts of its configuration through the API. This can be used to find out about services offered. The big picture can be retrieved from `/provider.json`. More detailed settings of the services are available after authentication. You can get a list of the available settings from `/1/configs.json`. Background: Given I set headers: | Accept | application/json | | Content-Type | application/json | @tempfile Scenario: Fetch provider config Given the provider config is: """ {"config": "me"} """ When I send a GET request to "/provider.json" Then the response status should be "200" And the response should be: """ {"config": "me"} """ Scenario: Missing provider config When I send a GET request to "/provider.json" Then the response status should be "404" And the response should be: """ {"error": "not found"} """ Scenario: Authentication required for list of configs When I send a GET request to "/1/configs" Then the response status should be "401" And the response should be: """ {"error": "Please log in to perform that action."} """ Scenario: Fetch list of available configs Given I authenticated And I set headers: | Authorization | Token token="MY_AUTH_TOKEN" | When I send a GET request to "/1/configs.json" Then the response status should be "200" And the response should be: """ { "services": { "soledad": "/1/configs/soledad-service.json", "eip": "/1/configs/eip-service.json", "smtp": "/1/configs/smtp-service.json" } } """