class TicketSelection # # supported options: # # user_id: id of the user (uuid string) # open_status: open | closed | all # sort_order: updated_at_desc | updated_at_asc | created_at_desc | created_at_asc # admin_status: mine | all # is_admin: true | false # def initialize(options = {}) @user_id = options[:user_id].gsub /[^a-z0-9]/, '' @open_status = allow options[:open_status], 'open', 'closed', 'all' @sort_order = allow options[:sort_order], 'updated_at_desc', 'updated_at_asc', 'created_at_desc', 'created_at_asc' @admin_status = allow options[:admin_status], 'mine', 'all' @is_admin = allow options[:is_admin], false, true end def tickets Ticket.send(finder_method).startkey(startkey).endkey(endkey).send(order) end protected def allow(source, *allowed) if allowed.include?(source) source else allowed.first end end def finder_method method = 'by_' method += 'includes_post_by_and_' if only_mine? method += 'is_open_and_' if @open_status != 'all' method += @sort_order.sub(/_(de|a)sc$/, '') end def startkey startkeys = [] startkeys << @user_id if only_mine? startkeys << (@open_status == 'open') if @open_status != 'all' startkeys << 0 startkeys = startkeys.join if startkeys.length == 1 # want string not array if just one thing in array startkeys end def endkey endtime = + 2.days # TODO. this obviously isn't ideal if self.startkey.is_a?(Array) endkeys = self.startkey endkeys.pop endkeys << endtime else endtime end end def order # we have defined the ascending method to return the view itself: (@sort_order.end_with? 'desc') ? 'descending' : 'ascending' end def only_mine? !@is_admin || @admin_status == 'mine' end end