# # TODO: thought i should reverse keys for descending, but that didn't work. # look into whether that should be tweaked, and whether it works okay with # pagination (seems to now...) # # TODO: don't hardcode strings 'unknown user' and 'unauthenticated user' # # TODO: this should use associations instead of non-standard created_by. # class Ticket < CouchRest::Model::Base use_database "tickets" property :created_by, String, :protected => true # nil for anonymous tickets, should never be changed property :regarding_user, String # may be nil or valid username property :subject, String property :email, String property :is_open, TrueClass, :default => true property :comments, [TicketComment] timestamps! unique_id :generate_code design do view :by_updated_at view :by_created_at view :by_created_by view :by_is_open_and_created_at view :by_is_open_and_updated_at own_path = Pathname.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)) load_views(own_path.join('..', 'designs', 'ticket')) end validates :subject, :presence => true # email can be nil, "", or valid address. # validation provided by 'valid_email' gem. # mx validation depends on network availability and is disabled in test # and development environment validates :email, :allow_blank => true, :email => true, :mx_with_fallback => Rails.env.production? def self.search(options = {}) @selection = TicketSelection.new(options) @selection.tickets end def self.destroy_all_from(user) self.by_created_by.key(user.id).each do |ticket| ticket.destroy end rescue RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND # silently ignore if design docs are not yet created end def is_creator_validated? created_by_user.is_a? User end def email read_attribute(:email) || created_by_user.email end def regarding_user read_attribute(:regarding_user) || created_by_user.login end def close self.is_open = false end def reopen self.is_open = true end def commenters(locale = I18n.locale) commenters = [] unknown = false anonymous = false self.comments.each do |comment| if comment.posted_by if user = User.find(comment.posted_by) commenters << user.login if user and !commenters.include?(user.login) elsif !unknown unknown = true commenters << I18n.t(:unknown, :locale => locale) end elsif !anonymous anonymous = true commenters << I18n.t(:anonymous, :locale => locale) end end commenters.join(', ') end # # update comments. User should be set by controller. # def comments_attributes=(attributes) if attributes comment = TicketComment.new(attributes.values.first) comment.posted_at = Time.now comments << comment end end def created_by_user if self.created_by User.find(self.created_by) || AnonymousUser.new else AnonymousUser.new end end def regarding_user_actual_user User.find_by_login(self.regarding_user) end # Generate a unique code for identifying this ticket. # This will become the ID of the document. It is also used for # tracking email replies. The code must be URL friendly. def generate_code while code = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64.downcase.gsub(/[li1o0_-]/,'')[0..7] if code.length == 8 && self.class.find(code).nil? return code end end end end