require 'test_helper' require 'fake_braintree' class CustomersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests CustomerController setup do InviteCodeValidator.any_instance.stubs(:not_existent?).returns(false) @user = FactoryGirl.create :user @other_user = FactoryGirl.create :user #FakeBraintree.clear! #FakeBraintree.verify_all_cards! testid = 'testid' #this wasn't actually being used{:credit_cards => [{:number=>"5105105105105100", :expiration_date=>"05/2013"}]}, {:id => testid, :merchant_id => Braintree::Configuration.merchant_id}) # any reason to call the create instance method on the FakeBraintree::Customer ? @customer = => @customer.braintree_customer_id = testid end teardown do @user.destroy @other_user.destroy @customer.destroy end test "no access if not logged in" do get :new assert_login_required get :show, :id => @customer.braintree_customer_id assert_login_required get :edit, :id => @customer.braintree_customer_id assert_login_required end test "should get new if logged in and not customer" do login @user get :new assert_not_nil assigns(:tr_data) assert_response :success end test "new should direct edit if user is already a customer" do login @other_user get :new assert_response :redirect assert_equal edit_customer_url(@customer.user), response.header['Location'] end test "show" do skip "show customer" login @other_user # Below will fail, as when we go to fetch the customer data, Braintree::Customer.find(params[:id]) won't find the customer as it is a FakeBraintree customer. #get :show, :id => @customer.braintree_customer_id end end