module BillingHelper def braintree_form_for(object, options = {}, &block) options.reverse_merge! params: @result && @result.params[object], errors: @result && @result.errors.for(object), builder: BraintreeFormHelper::BraintreeFormBuilder, url: Braintree::TransparentRedirect.url form_for object, options, &block end def billing_top_link(user) # for admins, top link will show special admin information, which has link to show their own customer information if (admin? and user == current_user) billing_admin_path else new_subscription_path end end def show_or_new_customer_link(user) # Link to show if user is admin viewing another user, or user is already a customer. # Otherwise link to create a new customer. if (admin? and (user != current_user)) or ((customer = Customer.find_by_user_id( and customer.has_payment_info?) show_customer_path(user) else new_customer_path end end # a bit strange to put here, but we don't have a subscription model def user_for_subscription(subscription) if (transaction = subscription.transactions.first) # much quicker, but will only work if there is already a transaction associated with subscription (should generally be) braintree_customer_id = else credit_card = Braintree::CreditCard.find(subscription.payment_method_token) braintree_customer_id = credit_card.customer_id end customer = Customer.find_by_braintree_customer_id(braintree_customer_id) user = User.find(customer.user_id) end def allow_cancel_subscription(subscription) ['Active', 'Pending'].include? subscription.status or (admin? and subscription.status == 'Past Due') end end