en: home: Home example_email: 'user@domain.org' not_found_title: Page not found. not_found_subtitle: "The page you were looking for doesn't exist." not_found_lead: "You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved." server_error_title: Ouch! server_error_subtitle: We ran into a server error. server_error_lead: The problem has been logged and we will look into it. no_such_thing: "No such %{thing}." create_thing: "Create %{thing}" overview: "Overview" user_control_panel: "user control panel" created: "Created" created_by_on: "Created by %{user} on %{time}" updated: "Updated" none: "None" unknown: "Unknown" admin: "Admin" anonymous: "Anonymous" save: "Save" add: "Add" remove: "Remove" changes_saved: "Changes saved successfully." are_you_sure: "Are you sure? This change cannot be undone."