dev_ca: &dev_ca client_ca_key: "./test/files/ca.key" client_ca_cert: "./test/files/ca.crt" ca_key_password: nil cert_options: &cert_options client_cert_lifespan: 2 client_cert_bit_size: 2024 client_cert_hash: "SHA256" allow_limited_certs: false allow_unlimited_certs: true allow_anonymous_certs: false limited_cert_prefix: "LIMITED" unlimited_cert_prefix: "UNLIMITED" downloads: &downloads client_download_domain: available_clients: - linux - osx - windows - android download_paths: android: /android/ linux: /linux/ osx: /mac/ windows: /windows/ other: / common: &common force_ssl: false pagination_size: 30 auth: token_expires_after: 60 # handles that will be blocked from being used as logins or email aliases # in addition to the ones in /etc/passwd and handle_blacklist: ['certmaster', 'ssladmin', 'arin-admin', 'administrator', 'www-data', 'maildrop', 'postmaster', 'admin', 'contact', 'info'] # handles that will be allowed despite being in /etc/passwd or rfc2142 handle_whitelist: [] # actions enabled in the account settings # see /users/app/views/users/_edit.html.haml for a list. user_actions: ['destroy_account'] admin_actions: ['change_pgp_key', 'change_service_level', 'destroy_account'] billing: ~ default_locale: :en available_locales: - :en minimum_client_version: "0.5" engines: - support - billing service_levels: &service_levels service_levels: 1: name: free description: "free account, with rate limited VPN" eip_rate_limit: true storage: 100 services: - eip 2: name: premium description: "premium account, with unlimited vpn" rate: USD: 10 EUR: 10 services: - eip - email default_service_level: 1 development: <<: *downloads <<: *dev_ca <<: *cert_options <<: *common <<: *service_levels admins: [blue, admin, admin2] domain: secret_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' reraise_errors: true test: <<: *downloads <<: *dev_ca <<: *cert_options <<: *common <<: *service_levels admins: [admin, admin2] domain: secret_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' reraise_errors: true billing: {} default_locale: :en available_locales: - :en - :de production: <<: *downloads <<: *cert_options <<: *common admins: [] domain: # logfile: /path/to/your/logs