require 'test_helper' class CertPoolTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do 2.times { LeapCA::Cert.create(LeapCA::Cert.valid_attributes_hash) } end teardown do LeapCA::Cert.all.each {|c| c.destroy} end test "picks random sample" do # with 3 certs chances are pretty low we pick the same one 40 times. LeapCA::Cert.create! LeapCA::Cert.valid_attributes_hash picked = [] first = current = 40.times do break if current != first current = end assert_not_equal current, first end test "picks cert from the pool" do assert_difference "LeapCA::Cert.count", -1 do cert = LeapCA::Cert.pick_from_pool end end test "err's out if all certs have been destroyed" do sample = LeapCA::Cert.first.tap{|c| c.destroy} LeapCA::Cert.all.each {|c| c.destroy} assert_raises RECORD_NOT_FOUND do LeapCA::Cert.expects(:sample).returns(sample) cert = LeapCA::Cert.pick_from_pool end end test "picks other cert if first pick has been destroyed" do first = LeapCA::Cert.first.tap{|c| c.destroy} second = LeapCA::Cert.first LeapCA::Cert.expects(:sample).at_least_once. returns(first). then.returns(second) cert = LeapCA::Cert.pick_from_pool assert_equal second, cert assert_nil LeapCA::Cert.first end end