require 'test_helper' require 'fake_braintree' require 'capybara/rails' class SubscriptionTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest include Warden::Test::Helpers include Capybara::DSL setup do Warden.test_mode! @admin = User.find_by_login('admin') || FactoryGirl.create(:user, login: 'admin') @customer = FactoryGirl.create(:customer) @braintree_customer = FactoryGirl.create(:braintree_customer) @customer.braintree_customer_id = end teardown do Warden.test_reset! @admin.destroy @customer.destroy end test "can create subscription" do @subscription ={:payment_method_token => @braintree_customer.credit_cards.first, :plan_id => '5'}, {:id =>, :merchant_id => Braintree::Configuration.merchant_id}) assert @braintree_customer.credit_cards.first.subscriptions.present? end test "admin can cancel subscription for another" do skip "not sure about testing admin cancelling subscription with fake_braintree" login_as @admin #visit user_subscriptions_path(@customer.user_id) #delete :destroy, :id => end #test "admin cannot add subscription for another" do #end #test "authenticated user can cancel own subscription" do #end #test "user cannot add subscription if they have active one" do #end #test "user can view own subscriptions" #end #test "admin can view another user's subscriptions" do #end end