class PgpKey include ActiveModel::Validations KEYBLOCK_IDENTIFIERS = [ '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----', '-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----', ] # mostly for testing. attr_accessor :keyblock validate :validate_keyblock_format def initialize(keyblock = nil) @keyblock = keyblock end def to_s @keyblock end def present? @keyblock.present? end # allow comparison with plain keyblock strings. def ==(other) self.equal?(other) or # relax the comparison on line ends. self.to_s.tr_s("\n\r", '') == other.tr_s("\r\n", '') end protected def validate_keyblock_format if keyblock_identifier_missing? errors.add :public_key_block, "does not look like an armored pgp public key block" end end def keyblock_identifier_missing? KEYBLOCK_IDENTIFIERS.find do |identify| !@keyblock.include?(identify) end end end