# # The Account model takes care of the lifecycle of a user. # It composes a User record and it's identity records. # It also allows for other engines to hook into the lifecycle by # monkeypatching the create, update and destroy methods. # There's an ActiveSupport load_hook at the end of this file to # make this more easy. # class Account attr_reader :user def initialize(user = nil) @user = user end # Returns the user record so it can be used in views. def self.create(attrs) identity = nil user = nil user = User.new(attrs) user.save if !user.tmp? && user.persisted? identity = user.identity identity.user_id = user.id identity.save identity.errors.each do |attr, msg| user.errors.add(attr, msg) end if APP_CONFIG[:invite_required] user_invite_code = InviteCode.find_by_invite_code user.invite_code user_invite_code.invite_count += 1 user_invite_code.save end end rescue StandardError => ex user.errors.add(:base, ex.to_s) if user ensure if creation_problem?(user, identity) user.destroy if user && user.persisted? identity.destroy if identity && identity.persisted? end return user end def update(attrs) if attrs[:password_verifier].present? update_login(attrs[:login]) @user.update_attributes attrs.slice(:password_verifier, :password_salt) end # TODO: move into identity controller key = update_pgp_key(attrs[:public_key]) @user.errors.set :public_key, key.errors.full_messages @user.save && save_identities @user.refresh_identity end def destroy(destroy_identity=false) return unless @user if !@user.tmp? if destroy_identity == false @user.identities.each do |id| id.orphan! end else @user.identities.each do |id| id.destroy end end end @user.destroy end # when a user is disable, all their data and associations remain # in place, but the user should not be able to send email or # create new authentication certificates. def disable if @user && !@user.tmp? @user.enabled = false @user.save @user.identities.each do |id| id.disable! end end end def enable @user.enabled = true @user.save @user.identities.each do |id| id.enable! end end protected def update_login(login) return unless login.present? @old_identity = Identity.for(@user) @user.login = login @new_identity = Identity.for(@user) # based on the new login @old_identity.destination = @user.email_address # alias old -> new end def update_pgp_key(key) PgpKey.new(key).tap do |key| if key.present? && key.valid? @new_identity ||= Identity.for(@user) @new_identity.set_key(:pgp, key) end end end def save_identities @new_identity.try(:save) && @old_identity.try(:save) end def self.creation_problem?(user, identity) return true if user.nil? || !user.persisted? || user.errors.any? if !user.tmp? return true if identity.nil? || !identity.persisted? || identity.errors.any? end return false end # You can hook into the account lifecycle from different engines using # ActiveSupport.on_load(:account) do ... ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:account, self) end