module LinkHelper # # markup for bootstrap button # # takes same arguments as link_to and adds a 'btn' class. # In addition: # * the name will be translated if it is a symbol # * html_options[:type] will be converted into a btn-type class # # example: # btn :home, home_path, type: [:large, :primary] # def btn(*args, &block) html_options = extract_html_options!(args, &block) type = Array(html_options.delete(:type))! {|t| "btn-#{t}"} html_options[:class] = concat_classes(html_options[:class], 'btn', type) args[0] = t(args[0]) if args[0].is_a?(Symbol) link_to *args, html_options, &block end def destroy_btn(*args, &block) html_options = extract_html_options!(args, &block) confirmation = t "#{controller_symbol}.confirm.destroy.are_you_sure", cascade: true html_options.merge! method: :delete, confirm: confirmation btn *args, html_options, &block end # # concat_classes will combine classes in a fairly flexible way. # it can handle nil, arrays, space separated strings # it returns a space separated string of classes. def concat_classes(*classes) classes.compact! {|c| c.respond_to?(:split) ? c.split(' ') : c } classes.flatten! classes.join ' ' end def extract_html_options!(args) if args.count > 2 or args.count > 1 && block_given? args.extract_options! else {} end end end