module ControllerExtension::Flash extend ActiveSupport::Concern protected def flash_for(resource, options = {}) if resource.is_a? Exception add_flash_message_for_exception resource else return unless resource.changed? add_flash_message_for resource add_flash_errors_for resource if options[:with_errors] end end def add_flash_message_for(resource) message = flash_message_for(resource) type = flash_type_for(resource) if message.present? flash[type] = message end end def flash_message_for(resource) I18n.t flash_i18n_key(resource), scope: :flash, cascade: true, resource: resource.class.model_name.human end def flash_i18n_key(resource) namespace = [action_name] namespace += controller_path.split('/') namespace << flash_type_for(resource) namespace.join(".") end def flash_type_for(resource) resource.valid? ? :success : :error end def add_flash_errors_for(resource) return if resource.valid? flash[:error] += "<br>" flash[:error] += resource.errors.full_messages.join(". <br>") end # # This is pretty crude. It would be good to l10n in the future. # def add_flash_message_for_exception(exc) flash[:error] = exc.to_s end end