class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery before_filter :set_locale before_filter :no_cache_header before_filter :no_frame_header before_filter :language_header rescue_from StandardError, :with => :default_error_handler rescue_from RestClient::Exception, :with => :default_error_handler ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:application_controller, self) protected def default_error_handler(exc) respond_to do |format| format.json { render_json_error(exc) } format.all { raise exc } # reraise the exception so the normal thing happens. end end # # I think this should be 'errors', not 'error', since that is what # `respond_with @object` will return. For now, I am leaving this as 'error', # since there is some code that depends on this. # def render_json_error(e) Rails.logger.error e Rails.logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") if e.is_a?(CouchRest::StorageMissing) render status: 500, json: {error: "The database '#{e.db}' does not exist!"} else render status: 500, json: {error: "The server failed to process your request. We'll look into it (#{e.class})."} end end ## ## LOCALE ## # # Before filter to set the current locale. Possible outcomes: # # (a) do nothing for certain routes and requests. # (b) if path already starts with locale, set I18n.locale and default_url_options. # (c) otherwise, redirect so that path starts with locale. # def set_locale if request_may_have_locale?(request) if CommonLanguages::available_code?(params[:locale]) I18n.locale = params[:locale] else I18n.locale = http_accept_language.compatible_language_from(I18n.available_locales) || I18n.default_locale if I18n.locale != I18n.default_locale redirect_to url_for(params.merge(:locale => I18n.locale)) end end end end def default_url_options(options={}) if request_may_have_locale?(request) && I18n.locale != I18n.default_locale { :locale => I18n.locale } else { :locale => nil } end end ## ## HTTP HEADERS ## These are in individual helpers so that controllers can disable them if needed. ## # # Not necessary, but kind to let the browser know the current locale. # def language_header response.headers["Content-Language"] = I18n.locale.to_s end # # prevent app from being embedded in an iframe, for browsers that support x-frame-options. # def no_frame_header response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "DENY" end # # we want to prevent the browser from caching anything, just to be safe. # def no_cache_header response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Expires"] = "0" end private # # URL paths for which we don't enforce the locale as the prefix of the path. # NON_LOCALE_PATHS = /^\/(assets|webfinger|.well-known|rails|key|[0-9]+)($|\/)/ # # For some requests, we ignore locale determination. # def request_may_have_locale?(request) request.path !~ NON_LOCALE_PATHS end end