
"LEAP Web" is the web-based component of the LEAP Platform, providing
the following services:

* REST API for user registration.
* Admin interface to manage users.
* Client certificate distribution and renewal.
* User support help tickets.
* Billing

This web application is written in Ruby on Rails 3, using CouchDB as the
backend data store.

Original code specific to this web application is licensed under the GNU
Affero General Public License (version 3.0 or higher). See
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html for more information.


For more information, see these files in the ``doc`` directory:

* DEPLOY -- for notes on deployment.
* DEVELOP -- for developer notes.
* CUSTOM -- how to customize.

Known problems

* Client certificates are generated without a CSR. The problem is that
  this makes the web application extremely vulnerable to denial of
  service attacks. This is not an issue unless the provider enables the
  possibility of anonymously fetching a client certificate without
  authenticating first.

* By its very nature, the user database is vulnerable to enumeration
  attacks. These are very hard to prevent, because our protocol is
  designed to allow query of a user database via proxy in order to
  provide network perspective.


Typically, this application is installed automatically as part of the
LEAP Platform. To install it manually for testing or development, follow
these instructions:

### Install system requirements

    sudo apt-get install git ruby1.9.3 rubygems couchdb
    sudo gem install bundler

On Debian Wheezy or later, there is a Debian package for bundler, so you
can alternately run ``sudo apt-get install bundler``.

### Download source

    git clone git://leap.se/leap_web
    cd leap_web
    git submodule update --init

### Install required ruby libraries

    cd leap_web
    bundle --binstubs

Typically, you run ``bundle`` as a normal user and it will ask you for a
sudo password when it is time to install the required gems. If you don't
have sudo, run ``bundle`` as root.


The configuration file `config/defaults.yml` providers good defaults for
most values. You can override these defaults by creating a file

There are a few values you should make sure to modify:

      admins: ["myusername","otherusername"]
      domain: example.net
      force_ssl: true
      secret_token: "4be2f60fafaf615bd4a13b96bfccf2c2c905898dad34..."
      client_ca_key: "/etc/ssl/ca.key"
      client_ca_cert: "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
      ca_key_password: nil

* `admins` is an array of usernames that are granted special admin

* `domain` is your fully qualified domain name.

* `force_ssl`, if set to true, will require secure cookies and turn on
   HSTS. Don't do this if you are using a self-signed server certificate.

* `secret_token`, used for cookie security, you can create one with
  `rake secret`. Should be at least 30 characters.

* `client_ca_key`, the private key of the CA used to generate client

* `client_ca_cert`, the public certificate the CA used to generate client

* `ca_key_password`, used to unlock the client_ca_key, if needed.


To run leap_web:

    cd leap_web
    bin/rake db:rotate
    bin/rake db:migrate
    bin/rails server

Then open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

When running in development mode, you can login with administrative
powers by creating an account with username 'staff', 'blue', or 'red'
(configured in config/default.yml).

To peruse the database, visit http://localhost:5984/_utils/

The task `db:rotate` must come before `db:migrate`, in order to assure that
the special rotating databases get created.

Do not run the normal CouchRest task 'couchrest:migrate'. Instead, use
'db:rotate' since the latter will correctly use the couchdb.admin.yml file.


To run all tests

    bin/rake RAILS_ENV=test db:rotate    # if not already run
    bin/rake RAILS_ENV=test db:migrate   # if not already run
    bin/rake test

To run an individual test:

    rake test TEST=certs/test/unit/client_certificate_test.rb
    ruby -Itest certs/test/unit/client_certificate_test.rb